
In my opinion this difficult era we are all going through, should lead us to useful thoughts and conclusions.
Private insurance is a key ally for social insurance, complementing and always providing with the necessary solutions.

Why choose me?

If you decide to trust me, I promise to honor your trust. I commit to the fact that you won't find another professional so determined to succeed in your financial goals, to dare to listen to your dreams and plan with you their implementation. Someone who will guide you safely through the difficulties and all the unexpected of life.

Σοφία Μυστρίδου: Στόχος μου να ανήκω στους πιο πετυχημένους του κόσμου

Πριν από μια δεκαετία περίπου, ως ασφαλιστική σύμβουλος μόλις ενός έτους, συμμετείχα στην ημερίδα του MDRT στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Εκείνη η ημέρα έχει από τότε [...]